Undergraduate Student Government

The mission of the Undergraduate Student Government is to enrich the undergraduate student experience by advocating for student interests and driving long term, sustainable change within the Mines community.

Upcoming Events

  • Elections Info Session
    • February 27, 2025, 4-5pm
    • Marquez 235

Current Opportunities:

  • Senate Meetings:
    • Join us for our first Senate meeting of the semester on 1/16/2025. Marquez 235, 5-7pm.
  • Office Hours:
    • First-Years -Wednesdays, 7-8 pm (Mines Market)
    • Sophomores -Monday, 12-1 pm (USG Office)
    • Juniors- Wednesday, 11-12 (USG Office)
    • Seniors -Wednesday, 4-5 (USG Office)
  • Spring 2025 Elections:
    • Interested in joining USG for the 2025-2026 school year? Fill out this USG Elections Interest Form!
    • For more information on positions and their roles within USG, head over to our Legislative Branch or Executive Branch pages or check out the Bylaws over at Governing Documents.
    • Please note, USG will be moving to a new structure beginning during the spring 2025 election cycle, positions currently listed may no longer be positions available during elections. Information on new positions will be available after February 17th. 

who we are

The Undergraduate Student Government at Colorado School of Mines is committed to fostering a thriving student community rooted in the principles of service, authenticity, and tradition. Our mission is to enrich the undergraduate student experience by advocating for student interests and driving long term, sustainable change within the Mines community. We are dedicated to creating a student environment where every voice is heard, and every individual is empowered to make an impact. We promote student success by providing opportunities for leadership, connection, and growth. Through active advocacy, collaboration, and civic engagement, our representatives uphold the student perspective across all areas of the institution including academics, student services, and campus life to cultivate a strong connection between students and the greater Mines and Golden communities. Together, we strive to build a vibrant, supportive community that honors the traditions of our past, celebrates the achievements of our present, and prepares the Orediggers of tomorrow.


what we do

Undergraduate Student Government at the Colorado School of Mines is the recognized organization that delivers the voice of the student body to the Faculty, Administrators, and the Board of Trustees.

Throughout the year, Student Government works to represent the student voice on a variety of campus committees. Student Government will debate and discuss issues that are pertinent to the students and work to address student concerns.

Student Government regulates all mandatory student fees. These fees are used in a variety of ways to improve campus life.


Town Hall Minutes

Thank you to everyone who joined our Town Hall on January 30th, 2025. The meeting notes can be seen here: 1_30 Town Hall Notes


Senate Meetings

Spring 2025 Senate Meetings will be on Thursdays from 5:00PM-7:00PM in Marquez 235.

For previous Senate minutes, please click here.

All students are welcome to attend to voice their ideas, concerns, and feedback, we hope to see you there!

USG is committed to being transparent on every front.  Here are some ways you can learn about what we do.

  • Attend Senate meetings every week! Our home page will always have the correct location and time on where to go. Sitting in on Senate meetings allow you to voice your concern, or learn about our current projects being worked on.
  • If you can’t make our meetings, you can review our meeting minutes, monthly officer reports, bylaws, and other governing documents over on the Governing Documents page.
  • If you ever have any questions or concerns about our fiscal responsibility, you as a fee-paying student have the right to contact the USG treasurer and request a detailed expense report on our organization. See our Executive Branch Page for the treasurer contact or email USG@mines.edu.
  • Sit down with your class representatives, class president, or governing body representative! They’re always excited to talk to constituents about projects and initiatives. The Legislative Branch page has class office hours with where and when you can visit them.


How to Join!

The Undergraduate Student Government is an integral part of the Mines community, ensuring that student voices are heard loud and clear. As student representatives, we attend committee meetings, such as Parking, Food, and Public Safety, to give constructive feedback in those areas. In addition, USG votes on resolutions that typically involve fees or large changes on campus.

All representatives hold their position for one academic year, and elections for the following year run in the Spring semester. Freshmen positions open during the first weeks of the Fall semester. All positions are up for grabs during the election season except for Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Treasurer. For more information regarding elections in the Spring, check back here around March/April.

For more information on positions and their roles within USG, head over to our Legislative Branch or Executive Branch pages or check out the Bylaws over at Governing Documents. Please note, USG will be moving to a new structure beginning the Spring 2025 elections, positions listed may no longer be positions available in the future year. 

The USG Office can be located in the first floor of the Student Center across from SAIL and next to NeST, Room 132. Stop by during office hours to talk with your Representatives.


Mines Student Discounts

Help support local Golden businesses and get great deals

Speak Your mind

If you have an idea of how Student Government can help you, Let us know!




Mines USG

USG Mines Discord